Wednesday, January 13, 2021




The Topic of Daily Manna Devotional for 14th January  2021 Is “Bloody Confederates “

Text: Psalm 83:1-8

Key Verse: PSALM 83:5

For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee.


Heaven’s justice principles are such that those who gang up against the weak but godly people become the target of God’s anger. From our text, the psalmist was alarmed with a sense of urgency as he implored God to arise for His people and His chosen ones. He asked Him not to be silent while wicked nations plotted against the righteous. About twelve nations whose common purpose was to destroy Israel, God’s people were mentioned in this alliance.

There is nothing wrong when nations pull their resources to achieve a greater good. As a matter of fact, it brings about economy of scale, reduces costs and produces better results. But when the alliance is about subjugating a sovereign and independent nation or to punish and destroy the innocent, such alliance leaves much to be desired.

Those who plan with their fellow wicked men to overthrow and rob unsuspecting innocent people of their rights should remember that God does not support evil no matter how many people or nations are involved. Coup plotters who attempt to change the social and economic order for their selfish aims usually face the full wrath of the law if they are caught. So also, the Lord will punish severely those who plot evil against their neighbours, in hope of advancing their selfish aim.

The selfish instinct in the strong to subdue and subjugate the less endowed has always been the cause of the oppressions in many societies. Many suffer unjustly today and are deprived of what rightfully belong to them because of the high-handedness of the privileged elites. However, God, who is not a respecter of persons, will ultimately bring judgment upon those evil men who delight in the suffering of fellow humans.

Thought For Today: Combined effort to do evil will surely boomerang.

Bible In One Year: GENESIS 41-44

Daily Manna is the daily devotional of the Deeper Christian Life Bible Ministry (DCLM).

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